Session Chair – I (ICRDSTHM-17)

Dr. Nith Bunlay is Deputy Director General of Higher Education, MoEYS, Cambodia. After returning from Hiroshima University, Japan in 2005 with his PhD in Language and Culture Education, Dr. NITH founded and directed Graduate Program of Education at Royal University of Phnom Penh. In late 2011, he was promoted to be the Deputy Director General of Higher Education and has since been actively involved in developing and monitoring the implementation of policies and strategies of higher education sub-sector. Supporting the Higher Education Quality and Capacity Improvement Project, Dr. NITH plans and leads all higher education capacity development programs including organizing in-country workshops, sending university faculty to post graduates studies, and to many workshops and conferences abroad. Some of the focus of the capacity building activities are higher education administration, leadership, research promotion, agricultural education and training, and STEM education. Dr. NITH has particular interests in Curriculum Development, Human Resource Development, Professional Development, Internationalization of Higher Education, Student Mobility, and Credit Transfer. For his voluntary experiences, he has been actively involved in Community Development, Youth Development, Student Exchanges, and Cross-cultural Understanding activities.

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