We would like to invite researchers, professionals from different disciplines to the 6th International Conference on Management, Engineering, Science, Social Science, and Humanities (iCon-MESSSH’21), that aims to bring them together to exchange ideas on recent developments and advancements of Management, Engineering, Science, Social Science, and Humanities in various fields. In this two-day conference, authors of regular papers and invited speaker will present the cutting-edge development in these fields. The conference is arranged by the Society for Research Development (SRD).
Due to COVID-19, we have decided to make it an ONLINE conference in accordance with WHO recommendations to minimize the impact of the novel corona virus.
Publications & Indexing
Authors of accepted papers must present their paper(s) at the conference. The conference proceeding book will be published with an ISBN. Moreover, selected papers will be invited for publication in special issues of the Scopus, Google Scholar indexed Journals.