SRD welcomes Dr. Nitul Dutta, Dr. Samarjeet Borah, Dr. Hiren Kumar Deva Sarma, and Dr. Anil Kumar Sahu to join the Technical Committee.
Collaboration Proposal
All accepted and registered papers of ICRDSTHM-17 will be indexed in Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database, NASA ADS (Harvard Univ.), CiteSeer, UlrichWeb, ScientificCommons (Univ. of St Gallens), University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Georgetown University Library, University of Washington.
Proceedings of ICSTHBM-16 is now online available in McGraw Hill Express Library
Click Here
Call for Papers (Second Round)
The paper/poster submission date for second round is 27 Nov 2016. The acceptance notification will sent by 5th Dec 2016. The registration deadline will be 10th Dec 2016.
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, HUMANITIES AND MANAGEMENT (ICRDSTHM-17) After the huge success of SRD conference entitled International Conference on Science, Technology, Humanities and Business Management (ICSTHBM-16) organized in Bangkok (Thailand dated 29-30 July 2016) whose proceedings was published by McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi with ISBN: 978-93-5260-275-9 (for more details click here), SRD launches its next conference The International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Technology, Humanities and Management (ICRDSTHM-17) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Technology, Humanities and Management (ICRDSTHM-17) will take place on April 28-29,…
A Report on “International Conference on Science, Technology, Humanities and Business Management”
A Report on “International Conference on Science, Technology, Humanities and Business Management” (ICSTHBM-16) Bangkok, 29-30 July 2016 Two days International Conference on Science, Technology, Humanities and Business Management was organized by Society for Research Development (SRD) at Chateau de Bangkok, Thailand. The Conference started with a welcome note by Dr. R. C. Singh, President of the Society.He welcomed all the delegates contributing in this Conference from different corners of the globe and also briefed about the objectives of the conferenceand the vision of the Society. In his keynote address, Dr.…
ICSTHBM-16 Papers, July 29-30, 2016 (Bangkok, Thailand)
Society for Research Development organized 2 days International Conference on Science, Technology, Humanities and Business Management on July 29-30, 2016 at hotel Chateau De Bangkok, Thailand. The research papers presented in the conference are given below : S. No. Title Pages 1 Preface vi 2 Keynote Address: Declining oil price: Opportunities for change in GCC Countries K. Srinivasan ix-xii 3 Optical Simulation of Organic Photovoltaic device Narender Singh, Nikhil Rastogi 1-4 4 Quantitative Estimation of Different Organic Metabolites in Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne Incognita) Infested and Organically Treated Spinach Shalini Gupta…
Minute to Minute Program ICSTHBM-16
The Minute to Minute Program of the conference is available Click Here