The accepted and registered papers of the conference ICRTSTMSD-18, meeting the area of International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET) will be published online as special issue of IJSSMET (IGI-Global, USA) a quarterly published, peer reviewed Journal. The authors willing to publish paper in IJSSMET need to submit their papers through eEditorial Discovery System.

Invited Speaker (ICRTSTMSD-18)

Dr. Manu Pratap Singh is Associate Professor (Department of Computer Science) in Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra, UP, India. Dr. Singh, a recipient of Young Scientist Award in computer science (by international Academy of Physical sciences Allahabad) in year 2005, has publieshed more than 80 research papers in National/International Journals. He is referee of various international and national journals like International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge Based Systems by World scientific publishing cooperation Ltd, International Journal of Engineering, Iran, IEEE Transaction of fuzzy systems and European journal of operation research…

New Members

SRD welcomes Dr. Bunay Nith, Dr. William Lau, Dr. Ng Khar Thoe, Dr. Anil Kumar Kapil, Dr. Manu Pratap Singh, Dr. R. B. Patel, Dr. Atul Garg, Dr. Sallehuddin Ibrahim, and Dr. Ling Ling Tan for being the member of Technical Committee of upcoming SRD conferences.