5th International Conference on Management, Engineering, Science, Social Science and Humanities
After the huge success of previous Conferences iCon-MESSSH’19, ICRTSTMSD-18, ICRDSTHM-17 & ICSTHBM-16 organized in Phuket, Bali, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok respectively, SRD launches its next conference: The 5th International Conference on Management, Engineering, Science, Social Science and Humanities (iCon-MESSSH’20) in Penang, Malaysia.
The 5th International Conference on Management, Engineering, Science, Social Science and Humanities (iCon-MESSSH’20) will take place on August 14-15, 2020. It will bring together Academicians and Experts from different parts of the world to exchange the knowledge and ideas at a common platform to strengthen the Academics and Industry. Whether you are a first time participants or have been to New Horizons before, we look forward to welcoming you at Penang. We are sure you will find it to be another informative and memorable academic event.

President SRD & Conference Chair, iCon-MESSSH’20

Regional Coordinator SRD (Southeast Asia) & Publicity Chair, iCon-MESSSH’20
Dr. Chong Hon Yew
President (Astronomical Society of Penang)
Penang, Malaysia
Title of Keynote Address : Bringing Universe Appreciation, Astronomy Fun and Astronomy Career Prospects to Astronomy Enthusiasts

Science and Technology: Social Networking, ICT, STEM, Software Engineering, Digital Image Processing, Big Data Technologies and Management, Data Science, Data Communication and Networks, Mobile ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, Embedded sensor and mobile database, Multimedia and Virtual Reality, Grid and Cluster Computing, Cloud Computing, Algorithms, E-Services, AI and Intelligent Systems, Embedded Systems, Control Theory, VLSI Design, Digital Signal Processing, Sensor design, Sensor-fusion and Sensor-based Control, Service Oriented Architecture and Technologies, Telecommunications and Networking Technologies, Optimization Techniques, Stochastic models, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences
Management: Economic aspects of the service sector, Financial statements analysis, Knowledge Management and Learning Organization, Risk Management, Decision Science, Operations Management, Business Ethics, Strategic Negotiation, Technology Management, Entrepreneurship, Performance Management, Business Information System, Supply Chain Management, Adaptive Business Practices, Management of Innovation Processes, Financial Engineering, Reliability Analysis.
Humanities and Social Science: Health, Education, Employment, Housing and Social Security, Critical Cultural Studies, Communications and Linguistics Studies, Policy, privacy, security, and legal issues regarding services, The relationship of humanities to other knowledge domains (Technology, Science, Economics), Literary Humanities Theme Civic, Political, Community Studies.
The venue of the conference is SEAMEO Hall, Seameo Recsam, Penang, Malaysia
Due to Covid-19, now the conference will be organized at digital platform on same dates.
The accepted and registered abstracts of iCon–MESSSH’20 will be published in Conference Proceedings with ISBN.
The registered and presented papers of iCon-MESSSH’20 will be published in following Scopus Journals subject to one more review by concerned journal itself:
1. Universal Journal of Educational Research(UJER) as special issue
Aims & Scope: http://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_info.php?id=95
2. Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA)
Aims & Scope: http://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_info.php?id=48
3. Mathematics and Statistics (MS)
Aims & Scope: http://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_info.php?id=34
4. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences(SAJ)
Aims & Scope: http://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_info.php?id=99
5. Solid State Technology (ISSN : 0038-111X) as special issue
and few more, indexed in
First Round | Second Round | Third Round | Final Round (Extended) | |
Draft paper/Poster Submission (.doc, .docx, .pdf) | 15th Oct. 2019 | 15th Dec. 2019 | 15th Feb. 2020 | 15th Apr. 2020 |
Acceptance Notification | 15th Nov. 2019 | 15th Jan. 2020 | 15th Mar. 2020 | 15th May 2020 |
Camera Ready Paper Submission (Strictly in .doc or .docx format) | 30th Nov. 2019 | 30th Jan. 2020 | 30th Mar. 2020 | 30th May 2020 |
Registration Deadline | 30th Nov. 2019 | 30th Jan. 2020 | 30th Mar. 2020 | 30th May 2020 |
Online Presentation / Publication Only* | -- | -- | -- | 20 June 2020 |
*The date of acceptance notification for this category is 30 June 2020 and registration deadline will be 10 July 2020. The fee for Scopus publication (USD 200) and for non-Scopus (USD 150) will be applicable.
The Malaysian participants can pay registration fee in equivalent Malaysian Ringgits (1 USD = 4.29 MYR).
The papers can be submitted through email to conference@socrd.org and srdglobe@gmail.com through attachment in MS Word template.
The authors who are unable to format the paper in Journal template can ask for editorial help with a charge of USD 20 for upto 06 pages. After 06 pages, additional charge of USD 05 will be applicable per page.
Just after the conference the selected presented papers will be submitted to associated journals for Scopus publication. The papers which will not be qualified for Scopus publication will either be published in Google Scholar indexed Journals or may be withdrawn by concerned author(s) for submission anywhere else. An amount of USD 50 from registration fee paid will be refunded if registration fee with Scopus publication was paid.
*The papers which could not qualify for Scopus, will be published in Google Scholar indexed Journals and the registration fee of such papers will be USD 50 less in all categories.
Once the paper is accepted, it is mandatory that at least one author must complete registration to get included a paper in technical program of the conference. To complete the registration, the camera ready paper has strictly to be submitted in .doc or .docx file only along with filled registration form and fee receipt and filled Copyright form duly signed by any of the authors of concerned paper. The payment of registration fee has to be done through bank transfer. The payment details will be sent to authors through acceptance email.
Plagiarism is the reuse of someone else’s published processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is not accepted. SRD allows a maximum of 15% similarity with already published work.
The best paper awards for each session will be declared in valedictory session in the conference by the Conference Chair and Session Chairs.